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Sadhu Sundar Singh


“It is better to burn quickly and melt many souls than to burn slowly and not melt any”. This saint and mystic often said and also lived accordingly.

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“It is better to burn quickly and melt many souls than to burn slowly and not melt any”. This saint and mystic often said and also lived accordingly. He is one of the first Indian Christian teachers to receive worldwide attention.

Born in 1889 in a traditional Sikh family in Punjab, and
brought up in strict Bakthi Marga, struggled after truth
in his early teens and saw his creator with his eyes in
his 15th year, took the cross on his 16th birthday, and
never looked back in his ministry.

He became a Sadhu of the Indian style, renounced everything except his saffron robe and turban, never joined a Society or a mission or a group, ploughed a lonely furrow and burnt himself thoroughly.


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