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The Book that Made your World


Explore the origins of a civilization’s greatness and the misguided beliefs. Learn how the Bible transformed the social, political, and religious institutions that have sustained Western culture.


The Indian perspective is a breath of fascinating fresh air for American readers. Indian philosopher Vishal Mangalwadi reveals the personal motivation that fueled his own study of the Bible. Discover how the Bible became the West’s source of human rights, justice, heroism, optimism, compassion, capitalism, family, and morality. From politics and science, to academia and technology, the Bible’s sacred copy became the key that unlocked the Western mind.

Discover what triggered the West’s passion for scientific, medical, and technological advancement; How the biblical notion of human dignity informs the West’s social structure and how it intersects with other worldviews; How the Bible created a fertile ground for women to find social and economic empowerment; How the Bible has uniquely equipped the West to cultivate compassion, human rights, prosperity, and strong families; The role of the Bible in the transformation of education; How the modern literary notion of a hero has been shaped by the Bible’s archetypal protagonist and how secular corruption endangers the stability and longevity of Western civilization.

I wish and pray that it finds readers willing to have their minds shaken and their hearts, yes, their hearts, stirred as well.” (James W. Sire, author, The Universe Next Door and Habits of the Mind)

“With solid, detailed information, clarity of presentation, and logical force, Vishal Mangalwadi enables anyone willing to see how our ‘Western’ world depends entirely upon what the Bible, and it alone, teaches about reality and how to live.” (Dallas Willard, author, The Divine Conspiracy and The Great Omission).


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